Are you fascinated with aquatic life? Take notice of behavioural habitats, learn how to be a responsible diver and find out about local ecosystems to understand and preserve the underwater world. Admire the graceful swimming of a school of barracuda, observe a jellyfish stretch, and learn how each interaction affects the other & the impact it has on the ecosystem as a whole.


What was that fish?! The Fish ID an exciting opportunity to see brilliantly coloured tropical fish and other marine creatures in their natural habitat. Learn about common species found in Hong Kong waters. Find out what makes them unique, how to identify local and international fish families and species, characteristics they display, strategies and techniques to identify fish, what you can do to protect aquatic life and about the project-AWARE movement.

The plight of aquatic ecosystems is amongst the highest threats to humanity moving forward, and education is one of our most effective defences.. By earning the Project Aware speciality, you’ll learn how you can make a change for ocean protection every time you dive or travel, effectively uniting scuba divers and conservationists to make a difference Project AWARE is a global movement for ocean protection, and you’ll be introduced to the importance and interdependence of worldwide aquatic ecosystems; current issues regarding fisheries and marine pollution. The world is in your hands, learn how to handle it.