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2021 Dive Season to be strong as an Ox!

Kung Hei Fat Choi!!!! The Sai Kung Scuba Team wishes you a Happy New Year of the Ox! May 2021 bring forward new beginnings, new opportunities and new experiences for you and your loved ones.

Although the dive season has yet to start, Sai Kung Scuba has not been idle. We have taken the time given to us during this lockdown to plan new expansions to our courses, trips, shop and training facility. Adding to this, we've been back to school, gaining new qualifications and advanced training in order to better ourselves and the centre to the benefit of all of divers, both new and experienced!

Firstly we would like to welcome two new members of the Sai Kung Scuba Team, Vivian Lam and Piyo Saputra, who join us as Dive Centre Manager and Dive Centre Supervisor respectably. Both are PADI Instructors but also bring a wealth of experience from different sectors & fresh eyes to Sai Kung Scuba. They'll be instrumental in our growth and providing you all with an even better diving experience.

Although the centre is still open for enquiries & bookings, the shop is currently closed until March 1st for renovations. We're making space for a whole new range of great products from a broader range of suppliers, to offer you more choice & provide better options for your individual needs. We'll be bringing in all categories of new equipment, from BCD's to regulators to masks to even the smallest accessories one may need. We'll also be creating a range of new gear packages at discounted prices to ease your wallet. New packages will include a range of diving gear sets, accessories sets and dive camping sets just to name a few. We'll be sure to keep you informed of when they'll be rolled out.

Do not fret if Sai Kung is too far away from you to enjoy these new deals, because our entire website is currently being overhauled to provide more functionality to offer a better user experience. The grandest new service will be our online store where you can browse at your leisure and order products directly to your home! Other digital additions will include a more user-friendly timetable, a more polished look, easier navigation and mobile functionality.

The most exciting (to us anyway) upgrade will be our new membership portal. Sign-up is completely free and, in addition to your general details, you'll be able to set up a more extensive diver profile - including your gear sizes & preferences, admin forms, diving interests and alerts about specific upcoming trips, courses or meetups. Most importantly though - By signing up you will automatically receive exclusive member discounts on all retail items. We intend this to be a more efficient & hassle-free way for you to connect with us and get updated on the latest info so that you don't miss your spot on any trip or courses.

Speaking of which, we're thrilled to announce that we're working with new sponsors and partners to provide a whole new range of local fun dive days and courses! Most notable amongst them will be our upcoming, fantastic Tents & Tanks outings, as well as more regular trips focusing on photography, where you can hone your camera skills and share tips & tricks. There will also be more opportunities to take part in additional workshops or courses. Further trips will include more weekend 'scuba safaris', which were mostly confined to weekday dives last year. Eco-diving will also feature more regularly in our fun dive and course schedule, as well as more social meetups, specialized talks, and exclusive collaborations. 'When will we start?' we hear you ask, courses will begin as soon as the pools reopen and our fun dive season is planned to kick off in late March/early April....... WATCH THIS SPACE!!

Anyways, we could honestly ramble on for many for paragraphs about all the new offerings, but you've been kind to sit through this for long enough. Rest assured we'll be rolling out more details over the next 6 weeks so keep an eye on our social media channels for more.

We're looking forward to blowing bubbles with you all soon,

From Neil and all the SKS team


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